lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

India/Pakistan versus Rest of the World

Date:9th April 2008

Place:Lima Cricket and Football Club

Cricket match of the Titans..... please inform your captain's of your availability.
The Team for India/Pakistan is yet to be confirmed.
ROW Captain:
India/Pakistan Captain:

The following have been selected for the Rest of the World.
You have been selected to play for the Rest of the World team on Sunday April 6 at 11am (be there at 10.30am). The game will be against the India/Pakistan team (a stronger team than the one that played in the Tournament). This game is always a highlight on the PCF calendar and I am sure this game will be no exception. The game will be 40 overs a side.

1. Harry Hildebrand(Capt)
2. Chris Abbott (Vice Capt)
3. Miles Buest
4. John Bell
5. Tony Sanford
6. Henry Southall
7. Nick Appleyard
8. Jorge Pancorovo
9. Jon Hawkins
10. Lachlan McKinnon
11. Tim Flack

If your name is not here and you would like to be considered, don't feel too downheartened, it is likely that one or two will pull out. Send an email to Harry and tell him you would like to be considered if there is space.

Umpires / Scorer

Julian Walter / Viv Ash

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