lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

Peruvian Cricket Federation Meeting – 23- April – 2008

Present: Chris Abbott, Harry Hildebrand, Tony Sanford, John Bell, Julian Walter

Matters arising from the last meeting – none


There was one email regarding Brasil’s acceptance by ministry of sport.

WE are waiting for a letter from Grant to take to our ministry of sport

We need to get the clubs sorted out with a generic Constitution à CHRIS will write a standard Document and we will send it out to all clubs. We NEED at least one ‘official’ from each club on this committee. We need to perhaps affiliate our teams with already established clubs…such as El Bosque, Flaming Lions – TONY will find out the legalities

Next meeting perhaps in Harry’s Office at San Antonio….closer for everyone.

Accounts – Tony has not yet finished will do it before Chris leaves for the Development Forum…due to the ICC on June 30.

Turnover in the past year will be revealed when Report is published.

Email contact lists…Tony still waiting for Rob and Giresh to send lists.

Forthcoming events:

1. End of year function at HANS’ House…do we not have it??/ Do we look for another venue?? Do we call a meeting at the LCFC (and no one comes and Committee rolls over???) – the same committee would give us continuity…. One is a social evening and one is a formal Annual meeting…. Could we combine them…Perhaps we could have a formal dinner??? Idea received quite well….have prizes?? Somewhere in Barranco?? Perhaps AGM first – and announce the winners of trophies and then advertise the Dinner…..where trophies are presented…

Once we have a list we can send out an email to the 50 people who have played this season….and announce this..

WE have to follow our constitution – we must have an AGM – we need to agree on a date (not two weeks after the end of the season- as stated in the Constitution)

Harry is back from the jungle on 19th May

We could follow the Kiteflyers model – this year charged S/. 150 – S/. 100 is for the dinner…so it is already paid for..

If in JUNE we could do it at Tony’s House… (He is moving in then) – Curry restaurant is an option…curry could be at Tony’s. The Indians will definitely come then!!!

AGM date – a Friday night???

Proposed date for AGM – 6 June Friday NEEDS PUBLICISING (Captains)

Proposed date for Annual Dinner – 21 June Saturday NEEDS PUBLICISING (Captains) – VIV SHOULD BE IN CHARGE – he will send out the email

AGM – reports from captain , Chairman, Tony, Chris will report on development forum.

2. Development Forum – 9-12 May Chris will be representing us – will miss Monday from work…dedication to the cause!!!

3. October tour – in the week 3-10 October – Harry to organize with Stormin Norman – Replies Harry, Miles, Tony – perhaps if wives can come Chris will be a chance. BUT MORE NEEDED if we are you reply yes à HARRY will send emails with Tony’s list.

Tony needs to run an umpiring course as part of his qualification – WHEN??? He has the resources – we need to fly the possibility at the AGM as well as an email….WE NEED THE EMAIL LIST!!!

Team training facilities – WE NEED permission/ design and make a proposal …so we need presupuestos – we need a representative of Lima Cricket club to ask for permission

BUT Before we ask for any money we have to know what we want… can the net be changed??? Can’t be moved from the current position

Julian – has permission to build nets in Hiram Bingham – HANS has offered to pay for the net…JULIAN is in charge of this – we need a design perhaps from Grant. – Possibilities of Cambridge net???

Cricket in schools – Harry’s Markham fotos sensational (of course)– Markham has challenged Cambridge to a game of cricket – to be done when Harry returns from Tambopata. Cambridge put in a request for bats and a wicket

WEBSITE – we must buy the domain name (perucricket). Blog doesn’t let me put on any comments – fix it CAN JULIAN make an effort to do what it takes to get the domain name…etc JULIAN YES

AMBOS game??? Do we try and organize it now for next year??? LCFC Captain needs to sort this out

We could invite the AMBOS to play on another venue – It is our responsibility as PCF to have an alternative venue.

The PCF wants to thank the Lima cricket club for their contribution to the development of Cricket in Peru this season.

Any other business??

Meeting closed at 9.35pm

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